Archlinux Package Install Notes

Notes on installing various Archlinux packages. This way I won’t forget what I did if something breaks and I have to reinstall something. Configuration If ethernet is not working, do ip a to see listed network devices. Mine shows ens9 as my thunderbolt ethernet. To start ethernet run dhcpcd ens9. Test if it worked by ping -c3 sources: Install the yaourt package manager OS Components gnome-settings-daemon I’m not entirely sure what all this is doing....

August 14, 2016

Notes on Upgrading Archlinux on a Macbook Pro

Often, when Arch is upgraded, things will be broken. This is a list of ways problems have been solved in the past. Hopefully it will be helpful for solving issues when upgrading in the future. System Boot Problems Once in a while there will be no keyboard input at the login prompt. The cause/fix is currently unknown, but boot debugging might help to find a fix. WiFi If wifi does not work after upgrading, try reinstalling broadcom-wl-dkms...

August 6, 2016

Fixing Various HiDPI Issues on Archlinux

Notes on getting various applications to work nicely with HiDPI monitors. Spotify Spotify can be too small. To fix it, spotify needs to be started with --force-device-scale-factor=1.8. To avoid having to add the flag each time you start spotify, you can try a couple of things: Edit /usr/share/applications/spotify.desktop and change the Exec=... line to Exec=spotify --force-device-scale-factor=1.8 %U Edit the spotify executable to automatically be called with the force-device-scale-factor flag....

March 26, 2016

Installing Arch Linux on a Macbook Pro Retina

This install guide is a copy of this blog post with my own notes/thoughts along the way. The purpose of this is primarily to remind me of how I installed arch on my Macbook Pro Retina (Mid 2014). Prepare WARNING: PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT EACH COMMAND DOES, ESPECIALLY THE DISK RELATED, THIS MAY ERASE YOUR IMPORTANT DATA PERMANENTLY! NO WARRANTY! Update the Mac OSX and reboot, then run the Disk Utitlity to resize the Macintosh HD to 100GB, all the remaining space are reserved for Linux....

March 26, 2016