On the fly stats for any room in plug.dj

A chrome extension written in Elm to add some statistics and sorting to tracks that are played in plug.dj. Admittedly, it was also an excuse for me to try out Elm. callahanrts/plug-stats Something about Elm’s tagline really caught my eye and I just had to try it out. A delightful language for reliable webapps. Generate JavaScript with great performance and no runtime exceptions. In case you didn’t catch that...

October 23, 2016

A lemonbar style status bar widget for Ubersicht on OS X

An Übersicht widget meant to replace the OS X titlebar when using a tiling window manager like kwm. callahanrts/bar I’ve been experimenting with tiling window managers for OS X, speficially kwm. I set the default OS X title bar to hide unless hovered and set some extra padding at the top of the screen for my windows to make room for bar. Then I added back some basic battery, date, time, and active window widgets, as well as a widget for displaying the song that is currently playing....

January 22, 2016

Export Mixpanel people results to a CSV

Chrome extension for mixpanel that adds a button for exporting Mixpanel People results to a CSV. callahanrts/people-extension One of our content people at work wanted to export Mixpanel People results to a CSV but there wasn’t a way of doing that currently. Our mixpanel contact sent her a python script that would allow her to do the export. Since that was not particularly easy for her, I created a chrome extension from an open source library I found on Github to do the job....

July 1, 2015